Stop Blogger from Redirecting Blogspot to Country Specific URLs
Let's say you're from France and have set up - just for examples sake - a blog called where you share your thoughts and insights on French literature. Now, with Google's country specific redirection in Blogger , you might be redirected to when you try to access your site. The thing is, you perfectly liked the .com and didn't sign up for the .fr but you find yourself being directed there. Sure, your blog works and all but you also wonder why. Why Did Google Do This? Google has always supported the expression of views, and they stated as much on their official blog . In the post Free expression and controversial content on the web , which was published in 2007, it said "Our world would be a very boring place if we all agreed all the time. So, while people may strongly disagree with what someone says, or think that a particular newspaper is total nonsense, we recognize that each of us have the right to an opinion....